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Tammy Palmer - Site Memorial Online

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Tammy Palmer
Nascido emTexas
49 years
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Hey Tammy,

    One thing that I will always remember about you...... your fantastic sense of humor! I will definitely miss your CRAZY emails that always made me smile.

    Another thing is the birthday party for Isaiah. I had a blast! I don't think I'll ever taste another "beer-arita" quite like you made that night.  Or the fireworks that were set off.  Lots of laughs, good food, and good friends. What else is there?

     Another thing..... your "cheaters".  You always had the coolest glasses--- either perched on the top of your head or down on your nose as you looked over them.

     A toast to you, my FRIEND!  You are the greatest. Thanks for always being there, and like Kay told me, " You always made me feel like I was the ONLY one"  you always made me feel special.

Total Memórias: 1
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